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Unearth your Inner Light

Sep 13, 2021
Back To Work
Here are some of my favourite ways to run your day and not let your day run you...

Jun 11, 2021
Finding Your Purpose
Have you found your purpose? At the early age of 8 I knew what my first purpose was, to DANCE. I lived it, breathed it and it consumed...

May 28, 2021
Who Says We Have To Get Old?
Well what does age feel like? Should I look a certain way or act a certain way for my age group?

May 23, 2021
Think Happy Thoughts!
How is anyone supposed to thrive and achieve with so many negative thoughts running through their head? Choose the light.

Apr 9, 2021
How To Identify Emotional Triggers
The goal is to learn to identify these triggers, so we can then learn to navigate through them.

Apr 3, 2021
How do you stay present?
My son Oscar turned two this week. All I could think about was where had the time gone? How was it possible that my baby is now a...

Mar 12, 2021
Daily Habits To Improve Mental Health
I have always considered myself a positive person. These past two weeks have tested my mental strength.
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