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Unearth your Inner Light

Jun 25, 2021
Celebrating The Journey
I have had my fitness company, BODY BY SIMONE for over 10 years now. Sometimes it feels like only yesterday that I was sitting down,...

Jun 11, 2021
Finding Your Purpose
Have you found your purpose? At the early age of 8 I knew what my first purpose was, to DANCE. I lived it, breathed it and it consumed...

Jun 4, 2021
Do You Look In The Mirror And Like What You See?
This blog post is just a reminder, that we all go through it. Aging is a part of life, we must learn to love ourselves from the inside out.

May 28, 2021
Who Says We Have To Get Old?
Well what does age feel like? Should I look a certain way or act a certain way for my age group?

May 23, 2021
Think Happy Thoughts!
How is anyone supposed to thrive and achieve with so many negative thoughts running through their head? Choose the light.

May 7, 2021
Committing To Yourself
Truth is we can really be anything we want to be if we put our minds to it. The only thing stopping us is our own fear and restrictions.

Apr 3, 2021
How do you stay present?
My son Oscar turned two this week. All I could think about was where had the time gone? How was it possible that my baby is now a...

Mar 20, 2021
Is Comparison The Thief Of Joy?
We are now living in a world where we are constantly making comparisons. Viewing people’s seemingly perfect lives...

Mar 12, 2021
Daily Habits To Improve Mental Health
I have always considered myself a positive person. These past two weeks have tested my mental strength.

Feb 26, 2021
Overcoming Adversity
When something bad happens in your life how do you react? Do you totally shut down and let it control you? Or do you treat it as a...

Jan 30, 2021
What is stopping you from living your true potential?
Are you able to identify what blocks are in your way? One of the major blocks I see with a lot of my clients is fear.

Dec 22, 2020
6 Daily Practices to help Unearth Your Inner Light.
Often clients come to me with an end goal. They share with me what external results they wish to see. The number one question I get asked...
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