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Unearth your Inner Light

Oct 8, 2021
Balancing Work And Motherhood
The phrase work/life balance doesn’t really seem to exist. I think some days you are winning the mum game and other days it is a struggle.

Sep 17, 2021
It's time to reset
A chance to focus back in on what is important and cut out all the noise and exterior distractions. It’s time to look within.

Aug 16, 2021
Looking At Life Through A Filter
Trying to teach women to build their self-worth and love the skin they are in and everywhere we look we are being showed these false images

Jul 3, 2021
What Is Your Relationship To Alcohol?
So how do you cut out alcohol when you use it as a “release” from a long day or challenging week?

Jun 16, 2021
How Often Should You Really Workout?
We are all having to rebuild our stamina, for many the fitness journey has started again from zero.

Jun 11, 2021
Finding Your Purpose
Have you found your purpose? At the early age of 8 I knew what my first purpose was, to DANCE. I lived it, breathed it and it consumed...

Jun 4, 2021
Do You Look In The Mirror And Like What You See?
This blog post is just a reminder, that we all go through it. Aging is a part of life, we must learn to love ourselves from the inside out.

May 7, 2021
Committing To Yourself
Truth is we can really be anything we want to be if we put our minds to it. The only thing stopping us is our own fear and restrictions.

Apr 29, 2021
How To Let Go Of What Is Not Serving You
As humans we must learn to let go. Forgive, forget and move on.

Apr 9, 2021
How To Identify Emotional Triggers
The goal is to learn to identify these triggers, so we can then learn to navigate through them.

Mar 20, 2021
Is Comparison The Thief Of Joy?
We are now living in a world where we are constantly making comparisons. Viewing people’s seemingly perfect lives...

Feb 14, 2021
You have the Power to Heal your Life
The power of our mind and our thoughts can literally create our experiences and our future, but first we must learn to love ourselves.

Feb 7, 2021
Creating Space for Creativity
Someone asked me the other day “what are your favorite hobbies?” I thought to myself, “are you mad?” I am a working Mum. I don’t have...

Jan 30, 2021
What is stopping you from living your true potential?
Are you able to identify what blocks are in your way? One of the major blocks I see with a lot of my clients is fear.

Jan 23, 2021
Building your Self Worth
For some reason last year, I lost that connection to self. I had to dig deep and do the work. Here is what I learnt.
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