Thanksgiving is my favourite time of the year.
A time to spend with friends, family and loved ones. A chance to be still and reflect, and most of all practice gratitude.
As a fitness trainer and health coach, I often get asked what my advice is on maintaining a healthy balance during this period. Magazine outlets are looking for me to recommend low calorie food options and “turkey burn” exercises to make sure you do not overindulge over Thanksgiving.
My advice is nothing like what they are looking for. Let’s be honest, we are all intelligent human’s and we know that 2 or 3 plates of food, or bottles of wine is probably overdoing it. You do not need me to tell you that moderation is key.
I also do not advocate taking a full hour workout class, in the hopes that you can eat as much as you possibly want to because you “burned” your calories already.
My advice is simple, do not carry any guilt surrounding this day.

Be present with your family, enjoy every minute, have that piece of pumpkin pie (not the whole pie), have a glass of wine (not the whole bottle), and go for a family walk or some fun activity that you can do together that will get you all moving.
Be thankful for your health and well-being, and all that your body does for you.
Do not punish yourself for enjoying this holiday, life is too short to be obsessing over mash potatoes and stuffing.
Your healthy eating and workout plan can wait a few days. Enjoy! Xx